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The set of questions you completed was developed by Dr. Howell and the team behind BeyondThePurchase.Org.
This set of questions assesses your emotions and psychological well-being during the course of today and the behaviors that may have influenced them. If you feel well psychologically, this means you feel that you are free to decide for yourself, good at what you’re doing, and in touch with people who are important to you. Behaviors contributing to positive emotions and psychological well-being include expressing care to others and engaging in activities (in work or leisure) that allow you to make choices and practice your skills. The graph below shows how happy you are today, in comparison to others who have also completed our daily well-being assessment. Your score is shown in green (1st bar). The score of people who are generally less happy than others average are shown in red, and the score of happier people are shown in blue. Please note that general happiness and happiness experienced daily are not necessarily the same thing, although they are related.
As the graph above shows, people who are happier generally tend to be happier on a given day. That’s not a surprise to many of us, but please look at the next graph so you can understand why we bring this up. The graph below shows the extent of your daily stressors, the parts of life that thwart your psychological well-being. Again, your score (in green) is compared to scores of generally unhappy people (in red) and generally happy people (in blue). How do I compare to my friends? The graph below shows your score (in dark green) compared to your friends (in light green) , liberals (in blue) , conservatives (in red) , women (in pink) , and men (in light blue) . Your psychological well-being is also affected by what you value in life. For example, warm relationships with others make you happy, but do you consider them important in the first place? Also, if you value pleasure above other responsibilities, this value may ironically take away from your happiness. You can find out where you score on values such as these by taking the List of Values Scale. To learn more about experiential purchasing, you can read this CNN article. Do you have ideas on improving this study? Or did you encounter any difficulties in answering the questions? Click here to send a message to the creators of this study. People who took this scale were also interested in the Experiential Preferences Scale and the Motivations for Experiential Buying Scale. |
Learn more about your happiness and spending habits!
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