The scale you completed was the "Gratitude Questionnaire" developed by Michael E. McCullough, Robert A. Emmons, & Jo-Ann Tsang (2001).

The Gratitude Questionnaire was designed to measure one's likelihood of experiencing gratitude in daily life. Past research has shown that individuals who score high on the Gratitude Questionnaire...
•Report more frequent positive emotions, life satisfaction, vitality, optimism and hope.
•Are viewed by their peers as being more generous with their time and resources.
•Place less importance on material goods and are less likely to judge their own and others' success in terms of possessions.
The graph below shows your values on these scales with your score (in green) compared to those of the average man (in brown) and the average woman (in orange) visitor to this website.

For more information about cultivating gratitude check out this talk by Robert Emmons, a psychology professor at UC Davis:

For more information about gratitude and its effects, read this Psychology Today article.

Want to improve your gratitude levels and, in turn, well-being?
•Make lists of the small (and big) things you have to be thankful for on a regular basis. You'd be surprised by how much can go unnoticed.
•Express your gratitude to remind yourself of it and show others you care. A small "thank you" is simple and will make both sides happier.

Do you have ideas on improving this study? Or did you encounter any difficulties in answering the questions? Click here to send a message to the creators of this study.

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