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Below is a list of all studies which we have run. We hope you'll take several of them.
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Learn about your Spending Habits
Study | Date Taken | My Results | Link | About This Study | Study Length |
Experiential Buying Scale | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | Some people are gadget heads and some are foodies. What kind of things do you tend to acquire? | 9 questions | |
Materialistic Values Scale | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | How materialistic are you? | 15 questions | |
Implicit Materialism | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | How materialistic is your subconscious? (note: this study cannot be completed without a standard keyboard) | Between 5 and 10 minutes. | |
Implicit Buying Motives Study | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | What factors influence your buying preferences? | 24 questions | |
Spending Choices and Happiness | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | Which spending decisions will make you happiest? | 38 questions | |
Experiential Preferences Scale | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | Some people try to empty out bucket lists, while others find joy in the little moments. How about you? | 34 questions | |
Life Goals and Buying Choices | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | How do your current priorities impact what you buy? | 4 questions | |
Motivations for Experiential Buying Scale | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | What are the reasons for your experiential purchases? | 20 questions | |
Compulsive Buying Scale | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | Are you a compulsive buyer? | 15 questions | |
Money Management | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | How well do you manage money? | 20 questions | |
Financial Well-being | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | What is your current net worth? | 13 questions | |
Consumer Susceptibility to Interpersonal Influence Scale | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | What influences your buying behavior? | 12 questions | |
Transformation Expectations Questionnaire | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | In what ways do you hope your purchases will transform your life? | 15 questions | |
Forecasting your Happiness | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | How does your expected happiness impact what you buy? | 24 questions | |
Tightwad/Spendthrift Study | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | Do you tend to spend more or less than you'd ideally like to spend? | 4 questions | |
Freemarket Ideology Study | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | What influences your attitude toward economic systems? | 25 questions | |
Sucker Rumination Scale | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | What thoughts go through your head after you feel like you have been duped? | 21 questions |
Learn about your Happiness
Study | Date Taken | My Results | Link | About This Study | Study Length |
How happy are your Facebook status updates? | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | The emotions in your status updates. Note: Only people who register with Facebook can take this study) | 1 Question | |
Implicit Happiness | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | How happy is your subconscious? (note: this study cannot be completed without a standard keyboard) | Between 5 and 10 minutes. | |
Your Happiness and Life Satisfaction | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | How happy are you these days? | 15 questions | |
Savoring Quesionnaire | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | How well do you savor different emotional situations? | 22 questions | |
Dispositional Positive Emotion Scale | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | Do you typically experience prosocial emotions? | 38 questions | |
Gratitude Questionnaire | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | Are you a grateful person? | 6 questions | |
Flourishing Scale | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | Do you feel like you are flourishing in your life? | 20 questions | |
Ryff's Psychological Well-Being Scale | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | Are your six psychological needs being met? | 18 questions | |
Beliefs about Well-being | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | What are your beliefs about well-being? | 16 questions | |
Quality of Place | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | How does where you live tell you what you want? | 52 questions | |
The Emotional Contagion Scale | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | Do you tend to mimic and synchronize others and converge emotionally? | 15 questions | |
Basic Need Satisfaction Inventory | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | Are your basic needs satisfied? | 27 questions |
Learn about your Personality & Values
Study | Date Taken | My Results | Link | About This Study | Study Length |
What is your Facebook Personality? | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | Using your Facebook Likes to predict your personality. Note: Only people who register with Facebook can take this study | 61 questions | |
Time Attitudes Survey | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | How do you feel about your past, present, and future? | 35 questions | |
Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | Do you tend to make decisions considering the past, future, or more immediate needs? | 56 questions | |
Social Values Scale | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | What are your consumption values? | 26 questions | |
List of Values Scale | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | What do you value in your daily life? | 9 questions | |
Schwartz Values Scale | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | Compare your values on 10 dimensions from hedonism to benevolence. | 58 questions | |
Avoiding Experiences: what if they go wrong? | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | How prepared are you to handle negative experiences? | 9 questions | |
How biased are you? | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | Evaluate the mental shortcuts used by others and yourself | 14 questions | |
The Creativity Scale | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | How Creative is your Personality? | 41 questions | |
The need for uniqueness | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | How much do you pursue individualistic goals? | 32 questions | |
Fear of Negative Evaluation | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | How scared are you of negative judgment? | 11 questions | |
Self-Esteem Scale | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | How confident are you in yourself? | 10 questions | |
Self Compassion Scale | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | How forgiving are you of yourself? | 26 questions | |
Self-Control Scale | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | How well do you regulate your behavior and resist impulses? | 13 questions | |
Hedonism Value Scale | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | How hedonistic are you? | 26 questions | |
Social Identity Scale | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | Is your identity based on your social roles? | 7 questions | |
Importance of Happiness Survey | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | How much will you sacrifice for more happiness? | 36 questions | |
Consumption Behavior Index | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | Are you a high or low consumer? | 11 questions | |
Economy and Environment Index | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | What are your economic and environmental beliefs? | 12 questions | |
The Aspiration Index | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | What goals are going to be important to you during the next month? | 36 questions | |
Community Preferences Questionnaire | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | How do you feel about where you live and where you would like to live? | 43 questions | |
Positional vs. Absolute Good Scale | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | What kind of world would you like to live in? | 16 questions | |
Big 5 Personality Scale | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | How do you score on the 5 major aspects of personality? | 10 questions | |
Identity Style Inventory | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | What defines your identity? | 10 questions | |
Nature Attitudes | No Results Yet | Please Register to Take Study | What is your opinion about nature? | 14 questions |
Please check this space every few weeks for new studies and questionnaires.
We are actively seeking data in the studies above.
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Featured Studies
![]() ![]() The Big Five personality test: How do you score on the five fundamental dimensions of personality? 29 questions
![]() A 2-week Gratitude Intervention: Can recalling grateful events increase your happiness? Note: only people who register with FB can take this study About 5 minutes nightly for two weeks
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"The Ideal Budget for Happy Spending"
August 6 2014
"How to financially invest in happiness"
April 24 2014