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The scale you completed was the Time Attitudes Inventory, developed by Zena R. Mello and Frank C. Worrell (2007).
This scale measures how positively or negatively you feel about your past, present, and future. The graph below demonstrates your time attitudes (in green) and compares them to the average time attitudes of all other survey-takers (in purple) . The higher your score, the more intense your feelings are in evaluating your past, present, or future either positively or negatively. Would you like to learn more about yourself? Do you know your scores on the five fundamental dimensions of personality? You will when you take the Big Five personality test. Do you want to know how happy is your subconscious? Take our Happiness IAT and find out.You can learn about the values that shape your life choices by taking the Importance of Happiness Survey and the Social Values Scale. Do you have ideas on improving this study? Or did you encounter any difficulties in answering the questions? Click here to send a message to the creators of this study. Learn more about your happiness and spending habits! |
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