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The scale you completed was the "Schwartz Value Survey," created by Shalom Schwartz (1992). This scale measures, in simplest terms, what you value. Across many cultures, Schwartz found that people, to a different extent, have the same set of possible values--goals that people deem important and consider in various situations during their lives. In the graph below, your values are shown in green, compared to the average values of all other survey-takers (in purple) on our website.
Also, the image below provides a description of these values. Note that these values are arranged in a circle. The closer values to each other, the more alike they are. Consequently, if two values are located opposite of each other, that means those values tend to contradict each other – that a person is not likely to strongly endorse both. Why do these values matter? Values define what is important to us, and these guiding principles shape our behavior – our life choices, political orientation, and interaction with other people. None of these things are actually separate. For example, consider the difference between valuing security, power, and achievement and valuing universalism and benevolence. If you value social order, you are more likely to support political conservatism. On the other hand, if you value social justice and equality, you may tolerate groups that actually disturb the social order as you know it, and societal equality may come at a cost for yourself (e.g., increased taxes). If you’re not too concerned with security, maintaining conformity isn’t your goal, and you highly value universalism (e.g., social justice), then you are more likely to take an active role in the political landscape. To learn more about your experiential consumption habits, take the Experiential Buying Tendency Scale. Do you have ideas on improving this study? Or did you encounter any difficulties in answering the questions? Click here to send a message to the creators of this study. Learn more about your happiness and spending habits! |
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