The scale you completed was the Ryff Scale of Psychological Well-Being (developed in 1995).

The scale measures your scores on six components of psychological well-being: autonomy, mastery, growth, positive relations with others, purpose in life, and self-acceptance. You can read about each component below the graph.

In the graph below, your well-being scores are shown in green, compared to the average of all other people (in purple) who have taken the scale on our website. Scores run from 1 (lowest possible score on each well-being component) to 6 (highest possible score).

The idea behind the scale is that, instead of traditional “feeling happy," it’s better to think of well-being as psychological health. We feel our best when we like ourselves, when we know what we are doing, when we feel we’re making progress toward a meaningful goal, and when both we and other people can accept us for who we are. It is important to look at psychological well-being in components because they differ from each other: some people may feel competent and accepted by others but lack meaning in life. Others may accept themselves and perceive life as meaningful but suffer from a lack of close friends. You may have guessed it – it’s hard to find people who are satisfied with everything in life. Instead, we have to work on all these areas to achieve optimal well-being.

1. Autonomy: High scorers on Autonomy are self-determining and independent; are able to resist social pressures to think and act in certain ways.

2. Mastery: High scorers on Mastery make effective use of surrounding opportunities; are able to choose or create contexts suitable to personal needs and values.

3. Growth: High scorers on Growth see improvement in themselves over time; are changing in ways that reflect more self-knowledge and effectiveness.

4. Relations: High scorers on Relations have warm, satisfying, trusting relationships with others; are capable of strong empathy, affection, and intimacy.

5. Purpose: High scorers on Purpose feel there is meaning to present and past life; holds beliefs that give life purpose.

6. Acceptance: High scorers on Acceptance possess a positive attitude toward the self; feels positive about past life.

Do you have ideas on improving this study? Or did you encounter any difficulties in answering the questions? Click here to send a message to the creators of this study.

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