The scale you completed was the Quality of Place Index developed by PolicyInteractive, a non-profit organization that researches values and life choices.

The purpose of the scale is to measure what physical and social qualities are important to people when deciding where to live, and how satisfied they are with these qualities in their current place of residence.

Research has shown that the extent to which people's psychological needs are met by their environments can have a significant impact on their well-being. Factors such as basic needs, sense of community, creative stimulation and freedom of expression have been shown to be important to people when evaluating of their place of residence. People who are satisfied with these aspects of their community tend to exhibit greater overall life satisfaction than those who are not.

The graph below shows your scores (in green) on the importance of two qualities of place: Public Utility (i.e. quality of schools, public transportation) and Recreation/Culture (i.e. vibrant downtown, diversity) compared to those of the average man (in brown) and the average woman (in orange) visitor to this website. A higher score indicates these qualities are important to you when considering where to live.

The graph below shows your scores (in green) on your current satisfaction with these qualities of place compared to those of the average man (in brown) and the average woman (in orange) visitor to this website. A higher score indicates you are more satisfied with these qualities of your current place of residence.

Do you have ideas on improving this study? Or did you encounter any difficulties in answering the questions? Click here to send a message to the creators of this study.

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