The scale you completed was the Bias Blind Spot Scale, developed by Irene Scopelliti, Carey K. Morewedge, Erin McCormick, H. Lauren Min, Sophie Lebrecht, and Karim S. Kassam (2015).

The scale measures the tendency for people to easier recognize bias in the judgments and behaviors of others than in their own judgment and behavior. Every description of a psychological tendency you read about is an example of a type of bias.

We may acknowledge others' incorrect mental shortcuts in judgment but remain blind to our own. In fact, the majority of people say they are less biased than their peers (just as, on average, people say they are better than the average person).

The graph below shows how biased you think other people are (in blue, on the LEFT) and how biased you think you are (in green, on the RIGHT). If the left bar is higher than the right, you have a bias blind spot. The difference between the heights determines its size.

Your scores are compared to those of people who are less happy than average (in red) and more happy people (in green) .

Why are we interested in the bias blind spot and well-being?
Some may say that ignorance is bliss: people may be happier if they think better of themselves (e.g., "I'm a great person because I am less biased than other people!"). However, the bias blind spot may come at a cost. For instance, Scopelliti and colleagues find that people who think they are less biased than others also find less importance in others' advice. Such advice may actually improve decision-making (and in some cases help maximize well-being) but remain a missed opportunity.

How can I decrease my bias blind spot?
You are now one step closer to decreasing your bias blind spot because you know such a "bias about bias" exists! When you learn about the mistakes people make in their judgment and decision-making, remind yourself that you are also susceptible. Even psychologists who study irrational mental shortcuts may find themselves making similar mistakes. It is good to remain mindful that anyone can make mistakes in their thinking.

Would you like to help us learn more about the bias blind spot and well-being, as well as compassion for others? If so, take our Dispositional Positive Emotions Scale!

Do you have ideas on improving this study? Or did you encounter any difficulties in answering the questions? Click here to send a message to the creators of this study.

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