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Please tell us about an activity that provides you the most pleasure (be it intellectual engagement and reflection, taste and touch, social interaction, excitement and thrill seeking, or helping others) and keep it in mind.
What is the activity, specifically? Please write your answer below.
In order to do this activity:
To what extent do you overspend your money?
Not at all
Very Much
How often do you risk your close relationships with family, friends, or romantic partners?
Not at all
Very Much
To what extent do you avoid your responsibilities?
Not at all
Very Much
How much do you ignore your health?
Not at all
Very Much
Even if you enjoy the activity, how much do you think it hurts your emotional well-being later?
Not at all
Very Much
To what extent does this pleasurable activity contradict your life values (e.g., family values, religion)?
Not at all
Very Much
How much you do regret this activity after time passes?
Not at all
Very Much
How hard is it to wait for this activity?
Not at all
Very Much
Does this activity increase your skills/abilities in any area?
Not at all
Very Much
Does this activity allow you to make new friends or strengthen existing relationships?
Not at all
Very Much
How much pressure from others do you feel to do this activity?
Not at all
Very Much