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The purpose of this questionnaire is to determine how you usually react to different emotional situations.

You will find below six real-life scenarios, for which various responses are suggested. For each scenario please choose the reaction(s) that most resemble(s) your own to this type of situation. There is no right or wrong answer and you can select as many reactions as you want, as long as they accurately reflect your typical behavior in this kind of situation.

1. You just finished an important but particularly boring task that you kept postponing (e.g. repainting, spring-cleaning, a good deed, etc.) You feel satisfied and relieved about it. You're pleased with yourself.

From the following options, please select "Yes" for the reaction(s) that most accurately reflect your reaction(s) to this type of situation.

In this type of situation:

a. You don't manage to fully relax. Pretty soon, worries and/or uncompleted tasks fill your mind.

b. You tell or show your friends or relatives what you achieved today.

c. You sigh with relief and you grant yourself a relaxing moment.

d. You're quite satisfied but you can't help noticing the few negative details of your work (e.g. time spent on the task, small imperfections, finishing touches, etc.).

e. You savor the present moment. You contemplate your work and think about what a good job you have done.

f. You think that getting this work done was some kind of miracle. You usually don't manage to finish tasks that bore you and you think that you won't be able to do it again for a while.

g. You think back on the hours spent on the job. Thanks to your patience and perseverance you've reached your goal. Efforts are always rewarded!

h. You don't give yourself the time to rest and you undertake another task right away.

2. You bought a lottery ticket because there was a major jackpot at stake. You are at a friend's house and you ask them if you can watch the results of the draw on TV, even though you are not very optimistic about the result. Excitement starts to rise when you notice, with amazement, that 4 out of 6 of your numbers have been drawn! You have won about $1,500.

From the following options, please select "Yes" for the reaction(s) that most accurately reflect your reaction(s) to this type of situation.

In this type of situation:

a. You jump for joy; you express your excitement by repeatedly saying how lucky you are.

b. During the next few days, you consider what you are going to do with this money. You think about spending 10 days in a sunny place for your next holiday, going to an expensive restaurant, treating yourself to a day at a spa, etc.

c. You cannot fully enjoy the situation because other things come to your mind (e.g., problems with a relative, atmosphere at work).

d. You share your joy with your friends, you show them the winning ticket, and you call your family to announce the news.

e. You try not to show your emotions; you keep it to yourself because it looks bad to get carried away in front of people. Besides, you don't want your friends to be jealous of you.

f. You feel happy and you celebrate with champagne (for example). It's not every day you win so much money without doing anything!

g. You think that what you won is okay. However, you can't help thinking that you were so close to winning the major prize! You may also think that this money will not solve your personal problems, and that you will be obliged to treat your friends to a nice outing, which would stop you from enjoying all of your winnings yourself.

h. You think it's too good to be true. Today's luck cannot last forever. You already start to anticipate possible problems in the future.

3. You spend a romantic weekend with your partner. The setting is wonderful. Your partner is in great form and you feel particularly happy!

From the following options, please select "Yes" for the reaction(s) that most accurately reflect your reaction(s) to this type of situation.

In this type of situation:

a. Despite the weekend being very pleasant, you cannot help resenting the few negative details that prevent your break from being perfect.

b. You try to enjoy the moment fully and put everything else out of your mind.

c. The weekend is perfect. It's too good to be true. You dread it all coming crashing down when you get home.

d. You have a great time and are not afraid to express your joy by laughing, joking, hugging your partner, etc.

e. Once on your own after the weekend, you reminisce of the happy time together, and of the things that make your relationship so precious.

f. You are having a good time, but for various reasons (e.g. fear of making a fool of yourself, it's not your style, guilt, etc.) you try not to get too carried away by your emotions, and therefore try to contain your happiness.

g. Over the following few days you share the memory of this good time with your family and friends.

h. The weekend is perfect. However, you struggle to completely forget your personal concerns (e.g. work, family, etc.).

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