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Please indicate the strength of your agreement or disagreement with each of the following items on a 5-point scale (1 = Strongest Disagreement; to 5 = Strongest Agreement):

When I am in a group of strangers, I am not reluctant to express my opinion publicly.
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

I find that criticism affects my self-esteem.
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

I sometimes hesitate to use my own ideas for fear that they might be impractical.
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

I think society should let reason lead it to new customs and throw aside old habits or mere traditions.
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

People frequently succeed in changing my mind.
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

I find it sometimes amusing to upset the dignity of teachers, judges, and "cultured" people.
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

I like wearing a uniform because it makes me proud to be a member of the organization it represents.
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

People have sometimes called me "stuck-up."
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

Others' disagreements make me uncomfortable
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

I do not always need to live by the rules and standards of society.
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

I am unable to express my feelings if they result in undesirable consequences.
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

Being a success in one's career means making a contribution that no one else has made.
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

It bothers me if people think I am being too unconventional.
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

I always try to follow rules.
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

If I disagree with a superior on his or her views, I usually do not keep it to myself.
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

I speak up in meetings in order to oppose those whom I feel are wrong.
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

Feeling "different" in a crowd of people makes me feel uncomfortable.
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

If I must die, let it be an unusual death rather than an ordinary death in bed.
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

I would rather be just like everyone else than be called a "freak."
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

I must admit I find it hard to work under strict rules and regulations.
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

I would rather be known for always trying new ideas than for employing welltrusted methods.
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

It is better to agree with the opinions of others than to be considered a disagreeable person.
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

I do not like to say unusual things to people.
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

I tend to express my opinions publicly, regardless of what others say.
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

As a rule, I strongly defend my own opinions.
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

I do not like to go my own way.
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

When I am with a group of people, I agree with their ideas so that no arguments will arise.
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

I tend to keep quiet in the presence of persons of higher ranks, experience, etc.
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

I have been quite independent and free from family rule.
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

Whenever I take part in group activities, I am somewhat of a nonconformist.
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

In most things in life, I believe in playing it safe rather than taking a gamble.
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

It is better to break rules than always to conform with an impersonal society.
Strongest Disagreement Strongest Agreement

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