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Continue thinking about what you have been doing and experiencing TODAY.


9. I felt grateful.
Not at all Very Much

10. I shared my positive emotions with my friends.
Not at all Very Much

11. I felt appreciative of others.
Not at all Very Much

12. I laughed a lot.
Not at all Very Much

13. I smiled at other people.
Not at all Very Much

14. I thanked someone.
Not at all Very Much

15. I helped someone.
Not at all Very Much

16. I was charitable.
Not at all Very Much

17. I bought something for someone.
Not at all Very Much

18. I told someone how much I care about them.
Not at all Very Much

19. I socialized with my friends or family members.
Not at all Very Much

20. I was empathetic.
Not at all Very Much

21. I took on and mastered hard challenges.
Not at all Very Much

22. I successfully completed difficult tasks and projects.
Not at all Very Much

23. I experienced some kind of failure, or was unable to do well at something.
Not at all Very Much

24. I felt close and connected with other people who are important to me.
Not at all Very Much

25. I felt a strong sense of intimacy with the people I spent time with.
Not at all Very Much

26. I had disagreements or conflicts with people I usually get along with.
Not at all Very Much

27. I was free to do things my own way.
Not at all Very Much

28. My choices expressed my "true self."
Not at all Very Much

29. There were people telling me what I had to do.
Not at all Very Much

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Please register or login before completing our surveys.

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