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Taking this index of 8 items gives you a pretty good idea of where you are in terms of your environmental impact compared to others. Answer each question as honestly as you can. At completion your response will be compared to everyone else who's taken this survey.

Daily Decisions
Below is a list of things which many of us make daily decisions about. Using the choices provided, please indicate for each statement how often you have engaged in the behavior, if at all. We recognize that some questions may not apply to you in your life right now, so please skip questions that don't apply.

Choose food that has been grown locally and grown in season.
never rarely sometimes often always

Recycle as much household waste as the system will accept.
never rarely sometimes often always

Avoid impulse buying.
never rarely sometimes often always

Consider the environmental impact before buying.
never rarely sometimes often always

Reduce driving by walking, biking, riding public transportation and/or staying close to home.
never rarely sometimes often always

Reduce winter heating by lowering inside temperatures.
never rarely sometimes often always

Reduce or eliminate meat in meals.
never rarely sometimes often always

Reduce laundry wash temperature.
never rarely sometimes often always

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Please register or login before completing our surveys.

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